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Code your game

Don’t worry! Yes, if you are here, you want to learn with the most easy words, how to code your novel…

It’s easy! the first thing that you need to know it’s all KaNovel games starts with kanovel()



Now, one of the parts of a kanovel game it’s characters, how we can create a character? No worries, it’s easy too! We will use character(), and inside of the () we will add a ID, and a Displayable name, separated by comma (this is the way to separate the arguments)


character("d", "Danie")

A chapter

Another of these 3 parts that make up a novel in Kanovel, are the chapters, and these can be defined with chapter(), check this


character("d", "Danie")


The start chapter is where your novel starts, inside from chapters, we will have actions, you need add one more argument to chapter()


character("d", "Danie")

chapter("start", () => [
  // here will be the actions

Yeah! now we have a basically structure for start writing the narration of our novel 🐝